International Women's Day
An event on International Women's Day by TreeAndHumanKnot
! यस्य पूज्यंते नार्यस्तु तत्र रमन्ते देवता !
Women: Tie a #TreeAndHumanKnot
#Men: Plant a fruit with #woman of your life
TreeAndHumanKnot is inviting Proud Women of Mother Earth & responsible Men of the planet on International Womens' Day March 8, 2021 Time: 21:00 IST
Thoughts on "Day in a women's life and women in daily life"
by our Woman Volunteer
"While looking myself in a mirror and asking; what I have been upto and what I can then get the answer, yes you can whatever you need or want. Then who I am. I'm not a man.
I'm a woman with unique abilities, then why we tend to get compared with man when we are a woman. Whether at home or office or anywhere the thing that can bring a difference is, respect both man and woman.
I'm happy you and me are safe but hundreds even thousands are out there who are suffering. For them and for everyone we at Tree And Human Knot can redesign the social convention regarding their empowerment that no matter whatever the situation is, Respect alone can bring miracles which involves reinventing the way women can sustain their life. And when respect is there no one can overtake their rights whether it is to education or work or something else.
Improve health of yours' and environment while cooking and, look how we can sustain life by respecting unique nature of each and every creation like utilizing food waste, water conservation and many more."
Together we can improve a lot, let us come together more cohesively and join the movement